Secrets Of The Books We Love (3 x 60′) – From murder-mystery plots in country vicarages via magical portals into the parallel worlds of fantasy to paranoid excursions in espionage, this series unlocks the secrets of three distinctly British genres of fiction – whodunnits, fantasy epics and spy stories. The series reveals how the 20th century gave rise to these innovative and wildly popular new styles and discovers that their success can be put down to a simple set of rules. Each film will reveal the secrets of its genre in its own unique stylised way, reflecting the classic visuals, moods and motifs, all of which were pioneered right here in Britain. - See more at: http://www.tvmole.co m/2015/11/greenlit-s ecrets-of-the-books- we-love-bbc4/#sthash .gA8sp9v3.dpuf