Spring 2019, Sevilla (Andalusia, south to Spain). Eva is a vet who a day during her job feels a strange lump in her right breast. It matches with the arrival of her best friend Mar, a school teacher who recently finished her 5-years relation with her boyfriend Antonio tired of his negative to have a child, moving Eva's house trying better her life. At Eva's request Mar touches Eva's lump, fearing not to be a fat lump. Going to the hospital, Eva is diagnosed with breast cancer, starting a treatment of chemotherapy where she meets hairstylist Carmen, a subject matter expert after her third diagnosis of cancer with the years. Eccentric, vitalist and loudmouth, Carmen convinces Eva and Mar to make a bucket list to do all the things she wanted but never did, for renting a RV and make a girls trip after the treatment finish but before to know the results, traveling Morocco to fulfill their three respective lists. While Mar is looking for an affair with a Danish and make a dine-and-dash in