Major Crime is a metaphor for East and West, for the conscious and unconscious, for reconciliation and difference...
EAST WEST 101 is a 6- part mini series about the investigations of the Major Crime Squad in Metropolitan Sydney. It is the story of two detectives - one a Muslim, the other Anglo-Australian, and the battle between them for survival. In a post 9/11 world, it is also a metaphor for the fear that exists between East and West when two men search for love, approval and forgiveness, as their destinies collide.
Major Crime is a metaphor for East and West, for the conscious and unconscious, for reconciliation and difference...
EAST WEST 101 is a 6- part mini series about the investigations of the Major Crime Squad in Metropolitan Sydney. It is the story of two detectives - one a Muslim, the other Anglo-Australian, and the battle between them for survival. In a post 9/11 world, it is also a metaphor for the fear that exists between East and West when two men search for love, approval and forgiveness, as their destinies collide.