Democracy is in crisis. A new generation of elected leaders are dismantling freedom and democracy as we know it.
Filmed over three years in five countries, Freedom for the Wolf is an epic investigation into this new regime of illiberal democracy. From the young students of Hong Kong, to a rapper in post-Arab Spring Tunisia and the viral comedians of Bollywood, we discover how people from every corner of the globe are fighting the same struggle. They are fighting against elected leaders who trample on human rights, minorities, and their political opponents.
A ground-breaking original statement on the status quo of global politics, Freedom for the Wolf is the first film that provides the global context for understanding the Trump phenomenon.
Filmed over three years in five countries, Freedom for the Wolf is an epic investigation into this new regime of illiberal democracy. From the young students of Hong Kong, to a rapper in post-Arab Spring Tunisia and the viral comedians of Bollywood, we discover how people from every corner of the globe are fighting the same struggle. They are fighting against elected leaders who trample on human rights, minorities, and their political opponents.
A ground-breaking original statement on the status quo of global politics, Freedom for the Wolf is the first film that provides the global context for understanding the Trump phenomenon.
Democracy is in crisis,對的,早於2年前已發覺此現象但只限於大約的概念,此片以更詳細及引述5個地方所處於的現狀及人民反應更明顯指出困境所在,行動自由購買自由如此的經濟自由換走了辛苦經營的思想以及言論自由,民主已淪為包裝下的不自由,片中所說世界現況打破了很多一直以來理所當然的舊有思想,問題在於固步自封還是欠缺一個劃時代的新思想?享樂型的消費主義充斥下,囚牢的門已然打開,值一看去想想的電影