From the English coast to the skies of war-torn Europe, 'Lancaster' tells the story of a young bomber crew as they fly a daring night raid over occupied France in the face of insurmountable odds. With machine gun fire and shells exploding all around them, the crew must remain undetected and focused in the darkness as they approach their target, but for wireless operator Alfie Barnes memories of his past make the risk of being shot down all the greater. From award-winning director Philip Stevens and award-winning producer Tom Walsh, 'Lancaster' is a powerful and moving portrayal of the courage and sacrifices of the men who took to the air during the bombing campaigns of the Second World War.
剪辑、音效和布景,构造了一场看不见硝烟的战争。YouTube条目导演的描述是:125,000 men volunteered to fight for RAF Bomber Command during World War II. 55,573 never returned. https://youtu.be/sSXiny5mEpg