Ambitious young actress Vicki lands the starring role in a promising theatre production in Singapore. What seems like the opportunity of a lifetime, however, turns out to be the beginning of a story of creeping abuse at the hands of director Daniel, for whom sadistic violence and artistic practice are inseparable. But power dynamics can change . . .
In Demons, Daniel Hui plumbs the depths of his protagonists’ emotional states in profound, intricate fashion in both rehearsal scenes and in their private lives, bringing to light bitter truths about power structures and dependencies in the world of art and culture, which can be based on psychic pressure and manipulation. At the same time, the film serves as a societal seismograph, affording the viewer pitiless glimpses into the darkest corners of interpersonal relationships. Aided by a sophisticated sound design, Hui folds a complex mixture of horror and satirical elements into this story of mysterious ghosts. These various spectres appear in the plot like eruptive manifestations of the human psyche – and spin increasingly out of control. Sometimes it’s better to leave the genie in the bottle.
Ambitious young actress Vicki lands the starring role in a promising theatre production in Singapore. What seems like the opportunity of a lifetime, however, turns out to be the beginning of a story of creeping abuse at the hands of director Daniel, for whom sadistic violence and artistic practice are inseparable. But power dynamics can change . . .
In Demons, Daniel Hui plumbs the depths of his protagonists’ emotional states in profound, intricate fashion in both rehearsal scenes and in their private lives, bringing to light bitter truths about power structures and dependencies in the world of art and culture, which can be based on psychic pressure and manipulation. At the same time, the film serves as a societal seismograph, affording the viewer pitiless glimpses into the darkest corners of interpersonal relationships. Aided by a sophisticated sound design, Hui folds a complex mixture of horror and satirical elements into this story of mysterious ghosts. These various spectres appear in the plot like eruptive manifestations of the human psyche – and spin increasingly out of control. Sometimes it’s better to leave the genie in the bottle.
合格有餘的trash movie,華人導演終於出產了一位可以像John Waters一樣拍出神聖垃圾,還要在半極權的新加坡裡,雖然強度不足但絕對魔性,吸了大麻一樣集體做傻豬豬事,明明很胡鬧,又明明每個人演出那麼爛,例如導演客串男友一角示範貌合神離的「演技」,沒有一刻不出戲,男女主角都不見得正常,尷尬到每一次出來就在綱線的邊緣上行走,同場客串還有楊修華(《幻土》導演)的Close-up放大笑容更教我永世難忘,最後一場Kenneth Anger 上身才毫不留情將低裝昇華到濃濃惡趣味,如果不是菲林拍能否做出如此效果?或者落入工業製作下只不過是連串套路?但不可能的,每處都錯誤地用力才可以造就如此氣氛,metoo對受害者的痛苦和不安感在trash movie 操作下才可猛裂攻擊,亦因為骨子裡的對抗性才不會成為政治正確的產物。
多一星給爛得帶有一種政治性與個性?但真的頗難看。最後那一場比較有趣,不過感覺就像是挪用了Kenneth Anger。而且問題也在於爛得不夠堅決,不是全片都「爛」得很一致、很均質,而爛得令人敬畏(如John Waters爛成一道不可小覷的獨特風景),不過感覺是爛得蠻自得其樂?玩得挺開心的?