"Red-light District Graffiti"
Tired of being prostitutes pampering the customers ,the prostitutes in a red-light district are fascinated with the toys,enjoy drawing graffiti with the patrol man,and begin to speak in a dialect unique to their district which is not understandable to outsiders.
The prostitutes have turned their backs to conventional society.They are vulnerable yet fearless .And maintain their innocence regardless of their profession.
An enclave of sanctuary-seeking prostitutes insure us a cathartically theatrical trip through many joyous hues of insanity, performance and poetry. Playful in all of the right ways!
Vibrantly aesthetic, anarchically choreographed, drummer-director Kasumi Hiraoka's Red-light District Graffiti is a gorgeously outlandish feast of raucous theatricality. Enfants du Paradis, the film's naively iconoclastic enclave of prostitutes, slowly turn their gleeful attentions away from their customers and towards ever greater colour, performance and obtuse poetry that would do even Terayama proud. A cathartically unconventional trip!
----International Film Festival Rotterdam(Nederland)----
A group of prostitutes is left idle in a faded corner of Osaka. They fall into some strange behaviour, mocking and celebrating the ties that bind them. Not a conventional story, but many hues of cathartic insanity make this a gleefully raucous trip.
----Bradford International Film Festival(UK)----
Outlandish geisha in a Japanese brothel create a world and a language of their own in a film about sexual performance, madness, and childlike innocence. The film is a feast for the eyes, capturing the vibrant colors one might find on a child’s playground. The women run through the streets, dance in brightly decorated garments, and engage in wild activities, addressing the audience directly with infectious creativity and anarchic enthusiasm.
----Arizona International Film Festival(USA)----
A surrealistic and psychedelic exploration of a whore house in japan guarded by a man who draws with chalk and full of prostitutes who act more like children than adults.
Red-light District Graffiti is an impressive new work that deserves global recognition for dissolving the border between form and content.
"Red-light District Graffiti"
Tired of being prostitutes pampering the customers ,the prostitutes in a red-light district are fascinated with the toys,enjoy drawing graffiti with the patrol man,and begin to speak in a dialect unique to their district which is not understandable to outsiders.
The prostitutes have turned their backs to conventional society.They are vulnerable yet fearless .And maintain their innocence regardless of their profession.
An enclave of sanctuary-seeking prostitutes insure us a cathartically theatrical trip through many joyous hues of insanity, performance and poetry. Playful in all of the right ways!
Vibrantly aesthetic, anarchically choreographed, drummer-director Kasumi Hiraoka's Red-light District Graffiti is a gorgeously outlandish feast of raucous theatricality. Enfants du Paradis, the film's naively iconoclastic enclave of prostitutes, slowly turn their gleeful attentions away from their customers and towards ever greater colour, performance and obtuse poetry that would do even Terayama proud. A cathartically unconventional trip!
----International Film Festival Rotterdam(Nederland)----
A group of prostitutes is left idle in a faded corner of Osaka. They fall into some strange behaviour, mocking and celebrating the ties that bind them. Not a conventional story, but many hues of cathartic insanity make this a gleefully raucous trip.
----Bradford International Film Festival(UK)----
Outlandish geisha in a Japanese brothel create a world and a language of their own in a film about sexual performance, madness, and childlike innocence. The film is a feast for the eyes, capturing the vibrant colors one might find on a child’s playground. The women run through the streets, dance in brightly decorated garments, and engage in wild activities, addressing the audience directly with infectious creativity and anarchic enthusiasm.
----Arizona International Film Festival(USA)----
A surrealistic and psychedelic exploration of a whore house in japan guarded by a man who draws with chalk and full of prostitutes who act more like children than adults.
Red-light District Graffiti is an impressive new work that deserves global recognition for dissolving the border between form and content.
- 电影
- 电视剧
- 综艺
- 动漫
- 纪录片