《布莱恩的一生》因饰演Judith Iscariot的Sue Jones-Davies的裸戏而被威尔士的Aberystwyth市禁了近三十年。2008年,Sue好巧不巧担任了该市市长,这才了解到这件事。此时随着时间推移,禁令已慢慢淡出视野。09年《布莱恩的一生》上映三十周年,这部电影终于登上了Aberystwyth市的艺术中心。
In a strange turn of events, Sue Jones-Davies became the mayor of a Welsh town where Monty Python's Life of Brian was still banned - the film where she played the female lead.
In a strange turn of events, Sue Jones-Davies became the mayor of a Welsh town where Monty Python's Life of Brian was still banned - the film where she played the female lead.