This film explores the concept of urbanity through the observation of the city throughout the World, especially in China. This ambitious theoretical project establishes also an intense dialogue with Italo Calvino’s ‘invisible cities’. Finally, the film is a manifesto, a contribution to a novel, contemporary cinematographic language, relevant to scientific research.
Postface : vimeo.com/84507071
Version fran?aise : vimeo.com/84457863
A Ch?ros Production. Image: Thomas Bataille (motion pictures), Jacques Lévy (still images). Texts from Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili, 1972. With Luca Ortelli, Elsa Chavinier, and Verity Elston. Maps: Ch?ros Laboratory, EPFL. Music: Alban Berg, Gy?rgi Ligeti, Wolfang Rihm, Anton Webern. Editing: Olivier Zuchuat. Film: 78min. English and French versions. ?Ch?ros, 2013.
Designed and directed by Jacques Lévy.
Postface : vimeo.com/84507071
Version fran?aise : vimeo.com/84457863
A Ch?ros Production. Image: Thomas Bataille (motion pictures), Jacques Lévy (still images). Texts from Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili, 1972. With Luca Ortelli, Elsa Chavinier, and Verity Elston. Maps: Ch?ros Laboratory, EPFL. Music: Alban Berg, Gy?rgi Ligeti, Wolfang Rihm, Anton Webern. Editing: Olivier Zuchuat. Film: 78min. English and French versions. ?Ch?ros, 2013.
Designed and directed by Jacques Lévy.