Land: Territory and Resources

Land: Territory and Resources




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播放:22 次


导演:Michel Barbeau

编剧:Daniel Frenette



中文簡介: 這部影片介紹了加拿大六個主要地理區域,從山脈、平原、森林,到綿延的海岸線和北極的浮冰。加拿大擁有遼闊的領土和豐富的資源。儘管身為全球第二大的國家,加拿大的大部份人口卻聚集在面積不到百分之一的都會區域中。許多地方因為冬季嚴寒而不適人居。本片擷取了許多加拿大的壯麗景觀,並介紹各地特有的資源及物產。
  英文簡介: Land navigates the six distinct regions that make up Canada. From mountains, plains and forests, to vast coastlines and northern ice floes, Canada's territory and resources are rich and productive! Although Canada is the second largest country in the world, the majority of its population lives on less than one per cent of the land. A sizable portion of Canada is uninhabitable for all but the most seasoned of cold-weather dwellers. TRANSIT features five videos that examine Canada's rich and diverse geography. Each film in the series combines spectacular cinematography and lively animation, using the Earth's basic elements as themes: Air explores climate; Water showcases the country's network of rivers, lakes and oceans; Land looks at the vast territory that makes Canada the second largest country in the world; Fire documents old and new sources of energy; plus Life, which develops the themes of people,fauna and flora.


  • 电影
  • 电视剧
  • 综艺
  • 动漫
  • 纪录片