Children of Darkness is an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary film produced and written by Richard Kotuk and Ara Chekmayan. It explored the topic of juvenile psychiatry - an acute lack of mental health care in America for seriously emotionally disturbed youth.
Many children in these institutions were simply warehoused and the common basic form of therapy was drugs, which didn't really help the kids but merely controlled them. The film not only uncovered the mistreatments in mental institutions but it also captured the cold realization that mental illness can happen to anyone. Public mental institutions were not just for the poor. Children from middle class families and upper middle class families often ended up there due to inadequate insurance money and dwindled savings.
Many children in these institutions were simply warehoused and the common basic form of therapy was drugs, which didn't really help the kids but merely controlled them. The film not only uncovered the mistreatments in mental institutions but it also captured the cold realization that mental illness can happen to anyone. Public mental institutions were not just for the poor. Children from middle class families and upper middle class families often ended up there due to inadequate insurance money and dwindled savings.
这部84年奥斯卡最佳纪录片提名的影片讲述了美国未成年精神病人的生存和治疗机构的现状(30年前)。真实得让人不忍直视,在社会平静的背后有着无解且痛苦不堪的世界,而它就在拐角处。顺带,片中那家教育问题少年(中产阶级家庭毒品酒精成瘾子女)的半监狱式学校élan School在2011年4月1日关闭了。
好可怜的孩子们,罹患精神疾病还要受到“治疗”的折磨,那些医生太可恶了。。。P.S 据说Elan treatment center 在2011年关闭了