In this thought-provoking 3x60’ series for BBC Four, comedian Frank Skinner and music broadcaster and presenter Suzy Klein explore the history of British popular entertainment in the 100 years before the arrival of television.
From the music halls of the Victorian age to the variety theatres of the 20th century, they uncover what kept us entertained through technological advances, two world wars, and an ‘American Invasion’.
In each episode Frank and Suzy not only investigate the big acts from the era, they become them - recreating one act each in a final performance. They learn what it took to become a star in a world without TV, immerse themselves in the music and costumes of the time and discover how much our tastes have changed - or not - through a century of live entertainment.
From the music halls of the Victorian age to the variety theatres of the 20th century, they uncover what kept us entertained through technological advances, two world wars, and an ‘American Invasion’.
In each episode Frank and Suzy not only investigate the big acts from the era, they become them - recreating one act each in a final performance. They learn what it took to become a star in a world without TV, immerse themselves in the music and costumes of the time and discover how much our tastes have changed - or not - through a century of live entertainment.