In this enthralling series, a team of intrepid scientists venture into the heart of two of the most explosive volcanoes on the planet, situated on the island chain of Vanuatu. They must collect rock samples and monitor the noxious gases emitted from the craters, in order to assess the current threat these volatile behemoths pose to the communities who live in their shadow. Mount Yasur sits on top of an enormous cauldron of molten lava, and has been in a constant state of eruption for hundreds of years. On neighbouring island Ambrym sits Marum, one of the world’s most active volcanoes. As the team journey through this land of liquid rock, dense jungle and unique animals, they gain a fascinating insight into the culture and customs of the local people. Using an array of advanced filming techniques, this gripping documentary immerses the viewer in a nail-biting adventure.
http://www.films.com /ecTitleDetail.aspx? TitleID=96452