故事梗概 Synopsis
It will be the Spring Festival in around ten days. While it’s snowing heavily, Mr. and Mrs. Tian and the cousin who are migrant workers from Kai County Chongqing City are still working hard in a highway building site somewhere in Hu’nan Province. They can only long for their hometown and Spring Festival during short break.
导演阐述 Director’s statement
Red, white and blue stand for freedom, equality and fraternity in western world as is well known. But in China, these colors are much humbler. As I know they are very common in the building site. It is a kind of cheap plastic fabric with colorful stripe, which is used everywhere in the building site. Sometimes as tents which shield people from bad circumstance, sometimes as curtains which separate living spaces, sometimes as bags which contain luggage, it wholly expresses the rough feeling which belongs to labour. But I have no idea about the spirit which these colors represent. I just passed by occasionally, and recorded the working and living scenes of the workers who own these colors with three improvised long takes. I think these scenes are closer to the essence of documentary than my feature films.
It will be the Spring Festival in around ten days. While it’s snowing heavily, Mr. and Mrs. Tian and the cousin who are migrant workers from Kai County Chongqing City are still working hard in a highway building site somewhere in Hu’nan Province. They can only long for their hometown and Spring Festival during short break.
导演阐述 Director’s statement
Red, white and blue stand for freedom, equality and fraternity in western world as is well known. But in China, these colors are much humbler. As I know they are very common in the building site. It is a kind of cheap plastic fabric with colorful stripe, which is used everywhere in the building site. Sometimes as tents which shield people from bad circumstance, sometimes as curtains which separate living spaces, sometimes as bags which contain luggage, it wholly expresses the rough feeling which belongs to labour. But I have no idea about the spirit which these colors represent. I just passed by occasionally, and recorded the working and living scenes of the workers who own these colors with three improvised long takes. I think these scenes are closer to the essence of documentary than my feature films.
借标tianjiang。 成大事者不拘小节。于是多少人成了无辜的“小节”。 当权者无论何时想的都是如何巩固政权,无一例外。 -我的女儿当时就牺牲了。-是啊,不明不白的为国牺牲了。多么讽刺。 -万一到时出现了打死人的事情,那也没有办法。 。有关人员说的完全不叫人话。