TransGeneration is an eight episode documentary series depicting the lives of four transgender college students during the 2004/2005 school year as they attempt to balance college, their social lives, and their struggle to merge their internal and external selves[1] while gender transitioning.
Two of the students are transitioning from male to female and two from female to male. All four are living on campus at four different colleges.[1]
TransGeneration is shown on the LGBT television network Logo, was broadcast weekly on the Sundance Channel from September to November 2005 and released as a feature film at some festivals and independent theaters.
Two of the students are transitioning from male to female and two from female to male. All four are living on campus at four different colleges.[1]
TransGeneration is shown on the LGBT television network Logo, was broadcast weekly on the Sundance Channel from September to November 2005 and released as a feature film at some festivals and independent theaters.