FORBIDDEN delves into the bizarre world of peculiar and unorthodox underground lifestyles, subcultures and beliefs from across the globe. This groundbreaking series crosses over from the ordinary to the unorthodox to showcase the complex and often blurred dynamic between mainstream and counter-cultures, as told firsthand by those who live them.
From men who pretend to be pregnant and vacationers who swap hotels for pigpens to experience living like animals, to adventurous eaters with a taste for roadkill and a chef who cooks with dirt, the series seeks to explain the science, psychological motivation and historical context behind a panoply of seemingly odd characters and behaviours.
From men who pretend to be pregnant and vacationers who swap hotels for pigpens to experience living like animals, to adventurous eaters with a taste for roadkill and a chef who cooks with dirt, the series seeks to explain the science, psychological motivation and historical context behind a panoply of seemingly odd characters and behaviours.