http://tv.toggle.sg/ zh/channelu/shows/be tween-two-worlds/inf o
Between Two Worlds - EP1
The Gurkhas play a key role in the internal security of Singapore. They serve and live in Singapore for 20 over years, with many of their children born and brought up in Singapore. They are about 45 years old when they retire and they have to repatriate to Nepal together with their families. Leaving a country that they have come to regard as home, where is home truly? 辜加警察为新加坡的和平与治安奉献了他们的青春。他们在新加坡生活20多年,孩子甚至在新加坡土生土长。然而,在45岁退休后,他们必须带着一家离开新加坡。对于这些来自尼泊尔的“新加坡人”来说,究竟哪里是家?
Between Two Worlds - EP2
Gibraltar is located at the southern tip of the Spanish Iberian peninsula, but has a long love-hate relationship with Spain, being ruled by Spain for about 300 years prior becoming a British overseas territory. Gibraltarians speak Spanish in their daily life but have their heart and soul rooted in Britishness, what exactly is their identity? With the imminent Brexit, Spain-Gibraltar border is again subjected to instability. 位于西班牙最南端的直布罗陀,和西班牙有一段剪不断理还乱的爱恨情仇。直布罗陀曾被西班牙统治近300年,却是英国的海外领土之一。人们日常生活里习惯用西班牙语,却把一切附属于英国,究竟他们的身份认同是什么?面对英国即将脱离欧盟,边境再度面临更多约束,直布罗陀人在去留之间又抱着怎样的心态?
Between Two Worlds - EP3
There is a village floating in Cambodia's Tongle Sap Lake consist of Vietnamese decedents. They live all their life in small floating boats under poverty and distress. Although their ancestor moved to Tongle Sap during the French colony and had been here for generations, the boat people are not allowed to live on land and have no job besides fishing.柬埔寨的洞里萨湖有一个浮动的村庄。这里住着大约五百多户越南人的后裔,一辈子生活在小船上。尽管几代人都生于斯、死于斯,但是始终没有合法的居留权,不能拥有土地也无法到陆地上工作,只能一代又一代的在湖上漂流。水上人家和陆地上的柬埔寨人有一条无形的分界线。除了卖鱼的商贩,普通老百姓老死不相往来,互相敌视。柬埔寨人和越南人在历史上埋下的恩恩怨怨,造成同样靠着洞里萨湖讨生活的居民,越来越疏远。水上人家的命运永远没有梦想和希望。但是围困他们不是湖水,而是人和人之间的误解和偏见。
Between Two Worlds - EP4
Shiwei, a town situated in Inner Mongolia bordering Russia, has its residents mainly of Russian and Chinese cross marriage descent. Despite speaking no Russian and born and bred in China, many residents have been treated as foreigners by the Chinese for years. In the face of flourishing tourism trade, Shiwei has transformed itself from a small village 30 years ago to a hot tourist destination today. But can this group of ethnic Russians continue to upkeep their sense of identity and preserve their traditional culture and heritage?地处于俄罗斯和中国分界线,额尔古纳河畔的室韦,住着一群俄罗斯族和汉族人通婚后,统称为华俄后裔的中国人。他们曾经历过了历史带来的伤痛,如今面对着文化传承的挑战。从30年前的农耕小村庄,到现在被誉为中国十大魅力名镇。这群俄罗斯族的中国人,是否面对着身份认同的困扰?在面对经济转型的同时,又会否流失了传承自俄罗斯的传统文化?
Between Two Worlds - EP5
Okinawa, Japan's southernmost prefecture, is known as a tourist destination with beautiful beaches. Okinawa islands are also known as Ryukyu Islands, that used to be an independent kingdom for centuries. During WWII, the island witnessed one of the bloodiest battles in history, when American troops invaded the islands. And
Between Two Worlds - EP1
The Gurkhas play a key role in the internal security of Singapore. They serve and live in Singapore for 20 over years, with many of their children born and brought up in Singapore. They are about 45 years old when they retire and they have to repatriate to Nepal together with their families. Leaving a country that they have come to regard as home, where is home truly? 辜加警察为新加坡的和平与治安奉献了他们的青春。他们在新加坡生活20多年,孩子甚至在新加坡土生土长。然而,在45岁退休后,他们必须带着一家离开新加坡。对于这些来自尼泊尔的“新加坡人”来说,究竟哪里是家?
Between Two Worlds - EP2
Gibraltar is located at the southern tip of the Spanish Iberian peninsula, but has a long love-hate relationship with Spain, being ruled by Spain for about 300 years prior becoming a British overseas territory. Gibraltarians speak Spanish in their daily life but have their heart and soul rooted in Britishness, what exactly is their identity? With the imminent Brexit, Spain-Gibraltar border is again subjected to instability. 位于西班牙最南端的直布罗陀,和西班牙有一段剪不断理还乱的爱恨情仇。直布罗陀曾被西班牙统治近300年,却是英国的海外领土之一。人们日常生活里习惯用西班牙语,却把一切附属于英国,究竟他们的身份认同是什么?面对英国即将脱离欧盟,边境再度面临更多约束,直布罗陀人在去留之间又抱着怎样的心态?
Between Two Worlds - EP3
There is a village floating in Cambodia's Tongle Sap Lake consist of Vietnamese decedents. They live all their life in small floating boats under poverty and distress. Although their ancestor moved to Tongle Sap during the French colony and had been here for generations, the boat people are not allowed to live on land and have no job besides fishing.柬埔寨的洞里萨湖有一个浮动的村庄。这里住着大约五百多户越南人的后裔,一辈子生活在小船上。尽管几代人都生于斯、死于斯,但是始终没有合法的居留权,不能拥有土地也无法到陆地上工作,只能一代又一代的在湖上漂流。水上人家和陆地上的柬埔寨人有一条无形的分界线。除了卖鱼的商贩,普通老百姓老死不相往来,互相敌视。柬埔寨人和越南人在历史上埋下的恩恩怨怨,造成同样靠着洞里萨湖讨生活的居民,越来越疏远。水上人家的命运永远没有梦想和希望。但是围困他们不是湖水,而是人和人之间的误解和偏见。
Between Two Worlds - EP4
Shiwei, a town situated in Inner Mongolia bordering Russia, has its residents mainly of Russian and Chinese cross marriage descent. Despite speaking no Russian and born and bred in China, many residents have been treated as foreigners by the Chinese for years. In the face of flourishing tourism trade, Shiwei has transformed itself from a small village 30 years ago to a hot tourist destination today. But can this group of ethnic Russians continue to upkeep their sense of identity and preserve their traditional culture and heritage?地处于俄罗斯和中国分界线,额尔古纳河畔的室韦,住着一群俄罗斯族和汉族人通婚后,统称为华俄后裔的中国人。他们曾经历过了历史带来的伤痛,如今面对着文化传承的挑战。从30年前的农耕小村庄,到现在被誉为中国十大魅力名镇。这群俄罗斯族的中国人,是否面对着身份认同的困扰?在面对经济转型的同时,又会否流失了传承自俄罗斯的传统文化?
Between Two Worlds - EP5
Okinawa, Japan's southernmost prefecture, is known as a tourist destination with beautiful beaches. Okinawa islands are also known as Ryukyu Islands, that used to be an independent kingdom for centuries. During WWII, the island witnessed one of the bloodiest battles in history, when American troops invaded the islands. And
看过10集,还有 3集找不到资源 第1集 新加坡尼泊尔辜家警察 第2集 西班牙直布罗陀 第3集 柬埔寨洞里萨 第5集 冲绳 第6集 秘鲁 第9集 印孟飞地 第10集 阿拉斯加惠蒂尔 第11集 意大利塞博尔加 第12集 马尼拉 第13集 斯洛伐克罗姆人
看了第二集 直布罗陀????