Everyone's heard of it, but what does E=mc2 -- the world’s most famous equation -- really mean? And why did it change the world?
With brilliant period recreations, NOVA dramatizes how an obscure young patent clerk, Albert Einstein, came up with his shattering 1905 discovery that the realms of matter and energy are inescapably linked. An accessible, suspenseful epic, Einstein's Big Idea reveals the roots of his astonishing breakthrough in the human stories of men and women whose innovative thinking across four centuries helped lead to E=mc2, and ultimately unleashed the power of the atom.
Here are stories rich with achievement and failure, feuds and duplicity, love and rivalry, politics and revenge: Michael Faraday, the penniless blacksmith’s son who fought the ridicule of the scientific establishment; Antoine Lavoisier, the cool-headed experimenter who fell victim to the guillotine; and Lise Meitner, the physicist who weathered Nazi persecution and personal betrayal on her path to discovering the splitting of the atom.
As one discovery builds on the next, Einstein's Big Idea shows how Einstein's saga began with the personal lives of these pioneers and their years of persistence, ingenuity, sacrifice, and heroic struggle against the odds.
With brilliant period recreations, NOVA dramatizes how an obscure young patent clerk, Albert Einstein, came up with his shattering 1905 discovery that the realms of matter and energy are inescapably linked. An accessible, suspenseful epic, Einstein's Big Idea reveals the roots of his astonishing breakthrough in the human stories of men and women whose innovative thinking across four centuries helped lead to E=mc2, and ultimately unleashed the power of the atom.
Here are stories rich with achievement and failure, feuds and duplicity, love and rivalry, politics and revenge: Michael Faraday, the penniless blacksmith’s son who fought the ridicule of the scientific establishment; Antoine Lavoisier, the cool-headed experimenter who fell victim to the guillotine; and Lise Meitner, the physicist who weathered Nazi persecution and personal betrayal on her path to discovering the splitting of the atom.
As one discovery builds on the next, Einstein's Big Idea shows how Einstein's saga began with the personal lives of these pioneers and their years of persistence, ingenuity, sacrifice, and heroic struggle against the odds.
在爱因斯坦提出质能方程,相对论之前。有无数前辈已经苦苦求索,科学的发展并不是一朝一夕,一己之力一蹴而就的。这之前有很多巨人:法拉第电磁学开启了科学革命,拉瓦锡发现的质量守恒处于质能方程的核心地位。整个十九世纪物理在物质与能量的支柱下发展着。后来又有麦克斯韦证明了法拉第的电磁理论的正确性。杜夏特莱 ,发表莱布尼茨动能的理念,即mv2。随后,才有爱因斯坦上线,用质能方程说明能量与质量会相互转化。物质是能量的聚合体,每一小片物质中存在着巨大的能量。并且有了爱因斯坦或者说物理学的爆发之年,当年,他提出相对论等一系列改变人类的理论。随后,当莉泽迈特纳实验中发现了质能方程的意义,我们也体会到了质能方程的威力。另:科学依然很浪漫:即使你到达光速,你也会眼睁睁的看着光以原有的速度离你而去,但你的时间会慢下来
物理真的是探索宇宙与未知的究极浪漫的学科。 20世纪也真的是人类群星最闪耀的时刻啊。